Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Tokyo Metpod and Kamasami Kong talk about Black Love Below for Haiti

On Tuesday, February 9th I was invited down to Metropolis magazine's office to join the Metpod crew to talk about Black Love Below for Haiti with host Kamasami Kong.

For those of you who don't know about the Metpod here is a little blurb off of Facebook

Tokyo Metpod Japan's No.1 English Language Magazine Metropolis Podcast

メトロポリスマガジン ポッドキャストのグループです。ハワイからのベテランレ

ジェンド DJ、Kamasami Kong(カマサミ・コング)がお送りする日本最大英雑誌『メトロポリス』presents 東京で一番ホットで旬なインターナショナルポッドキャストです。メトポドレギュラーをはじめ、その他スペシャルゲストが続々登場!メトロポリスの表紙ストーリーやニュースはもちろん、ポッドキャストならではの海外セレブとのスペシャルインタビュー等も満載。東京のインターナショナルコミュニティ#1 のポッドキャスト『...Metpod』です!!

The Tokyo Metpod is filled with English information you can't find on any radio station in Japan. There's just no other source with this much spoken information in English about life in Tokyo. Kamasami Kong brings you the best of Metropolis magazine, plus special celebrity interviews and behind-the-scenes peeks into the movers and shakers of the biggest metropolis in the world.

I had such a blast doing this. Sarah Cortina interviewed me about the charity benefit and was extremely intrigued by the 'Below' part of the title. We chatted about the charity benefit for Yele, And later they even let me stay on to chat about the Glitterball party: Magnetic Kiss with the music report host Kaleb James. I definitely hope that they'll have me back in the future.

Please check it out!